

​Ensure that your organization hires the kind of staff and develops program improvement structures that effectively support your organization’s vision of digital learning programs.

See capacity resources

​In considering how organizations can engage in creative, robust and opportunity-focused programming around digital learning, a central issue is staff and organizational capacity. Capacity is not only the skills that educators have and what kinds of programs they can carry out.

Capacity includes, but goes beyond, what any individual staffer is able to accomplish. It encompasses the whole organization as a collective that learns and improves.

In thinking about capacity, we’re concerned with questions like: What kinds of staff roles are needed to ensure that young people are able to access opportunities that deepen their digital learning pathways both within and across an organizations? What kind of staff are needed to support youth futures with digital media? What forms of professional learning might an organization envision to effectively implement these programs? What kinds of structures are necessary to develop and improve program pedagogy?

Developing robust digital learning programs that connect youth to future opportunities presents an additional set of challenges.

Depending on what kind of staffing model is in place, frontline educators may have more expertise in technology, creative media and the arts and less in youth development, or vice-versa. Additionally, a focus on connecting youth to future opportunities around digital learning pathways both within and beyond a given organization’s program offerings requires rethinking staff roles to include ones that haven’t traditionally been part of informal education organizations.

The resources we share in this toolkit highlight a number of effective practices around building capacity for digital learning, including implementing peer-to-peer professional learning structures, creating data routines to support programs, hiring frontline staff that span multiple professional worlds, and developing new staff roles that explicitly focus on connecting youth to digital learning pathways.