

Develop an approach to fostering learning that infuses digital tools and practices with a deep focus on positive youth development.

See pedagogy resources

​When making decisions about pedagogical approaches to digital learning program design, organizations have much to consider. They have to determine programmatic structure, the what and how of the lessons or curriculum educators will teach, and now more than ever, how to infuse media and technology in meaningful ways.

For many, there is still a steep learning curve when it comes to designing learning that extends beyond the basics of technology integration to substantive uses of technology that supplement and extend already strong projects and lessons.

Basic efforts in technology integration might directly teach youth a specific predetermined tool and provide them a limited set of rote skills with the new technology. Too often, the effort ends there. New tools are being introduced with little or irrelevant context, disconnected from any type of enriching experience, and with a predetermined and narrow standard. For example, a coding bootcamp may be structured as a series of classes that teach students to program in a specific language, but if the classes are divorced from application in meaningful work, play or goals relevant to youth, much of the potential of digital learning is lost.

So what does more robust digital learning pedagogy look like? The organizations highlighted in this toolkit exemplify a deeper, more impactful and more relevant approach through utilizing the following pedagogical strategies in their programs: activating youth interest, guiding youth to have impact, creating ambitious and collaborative digital learning projects, building a culture of trust, and orchestrating learner-centered supports.