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Free Spirit PRO - Client-based Work as Pedagogy at Free Spirit Media

At Free Spirit PRO, youth are involved in the production of videos for community-based clients, and educators balance youth development with client needs.

Building Staff Capacity through Peer Learning and Passion at the Digital Harbor Foundation

In this resource, Digital Harbor Foundation shares its approach to building internal staff capacity around maker and technology-based learning.

Learning through Co-design: How Students and Educators Created a Digital Solution to Program Challenges

This case example shares how students and educators at The Knowledge House collaboratively designed a technology platform called the “Leaderboard”.

Distributing Youth Driven Media Projects via Social Media

This tool highlights approaches to supporting youth distribution of media projects via social media from Free Spirit Media.

Building FUTUREWORLDS: AS220’s Youth-Led Movement to Design and Create the Futures we Want to Inhabit

This case example highlights FUTUREWORLDS, a large-scale, annual community event co-produced by AS220 youth and staff blending Afrofuturism, hip-hop, art-making and social justice.

Game Design Studio - Adult/Youth Collaboration at WMCAT

At WMCAT, adult/youth collaboration can be found in their game design studio, where teachings artists and teens collaboratively produce video games.

Research Team

The research team consisted of experts in digital media & learning, informal learning design, and research-practice partnerships from the UC Irvine and NYU.

Sandboxes, Studios and Ladders: Comparative Program Structures in Out-of-School Digital Learning Organizations

There are many ways to structure digital learning programs depending on the kinds of learning outcomes an organization cares about most.

Learning Productions: Beyond Project-based Learning

In this white paper, Beam Center outlines its pedagogy of “Learning Productions”, centered on active processes of learning, building, and sharing through real-life creative projects.

How We Got Here

Susan Crown reflects on the road that led to the foundation's investment in understanding community-based technology programs.

Learning, Interest and Voice at Free Spirit Media

In this video, we follow the story of a young woman who was encouraged to follow her passion for citizen journalism at Free Spirit Media in Chicago.

Structuring Adult/Youth Collaboration in Ambitious Digital Learning and Making Projects

Digital learning can involve youth developing ambitious collaborative projects - alongside educators, including ‘maker' productions or full-featured apps.

Tapping Youth Interest to Cooperatively Design Out-of-School Digital Learning Programs

Educators can build on youth interest in technology to involve them in design of new out-of-school programs, leading to deeper learning and engagement.

About the Toolkit

​Developed through collaboration between researchers and practitioners, this toolkit includes resources on best practices in digital learning.

Our Approach

This project drew on Research-Practice Partnership methods, where researchers and practitioners work together to identify problems of practice and advance knowledge about how to tackle them.

Not just a Flyer: Rethinking Youth Recruitment into Out-of-School Making, Media and Computing Programs

This resource explores diverse recruitment strategies around digital learning that focus on ‘finding fit’.

Free Spirit Media

Free Spirit Media supports the artistic, personal and professional aspirations of teens and young adults through media education and production.

Peer-to-Peer Professional Learning around Informal Digital Learning

This resource explores how organizations use various peer-to-peer professional learning approaches to foster cultures of inquiry among their educators.

The Right Tool for the Job: Deciding on Tech, Tools and Materials in Informal Digital Learning

Rather than asking ‘What technology do we need’, youth organizations should start with learning goals to ensure more meaningful integration of digital tools.

The Space for Creativity

How do we create spaces in our organizations that invite youth to be creative with media and technology? This resource explores examples.

The Role of Trust and Ritual in Youth Digital Learning

Building trust and sense of belonging are especially important to collaborative projects found in digital learning programs. This resource explores this in practice.

Linking Social and Emotional Learning to Digital Learning through Collaboration and Empathy

What does digital learning have to do with social and emotional learning? This resource how digital learning can support collaboration and empathy in youth.

Why Teaching Artists?

By spanning professional worlds and exposing youth to real disciplinary practices, teaching artists can support a wide range of positive outcomes for youth.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy governs your use of (the “Site”) and the products, software, and services made available through the Site.

Leveraging Partnerships to Support Youth Pathways in Technology

In this video, out-of-school educators highlight ways that partnerships with local employers and community-based organizations support youth pathways.

FUTUREWORLDS - Adult/Youth Collaboration at AS220

Highlighting ambitious adult/youth collaboration this case describes FUTUREWORLDS, a large-scale, annual community event co-produced by AS220 youth and staff.

Client-Based Work as Pedagogy in Informal Digital Learning

How can digital learning connect youth to professional practice? In client-based work models youth produce hands-on projects with real world relevance.

Creating Big, Ambitious, Collaborative Projects

Leaders from innovative out-of-school learning organizations in the United States discuss how organizations can create big, ambitious, and collaborative projects for youth.

Ambrose Printshop - Client-based work at WMCAT

The video showcases how client-based work operates at the Ambrose Print Shop at WMCAT, where apprentices produce T-shirts and posters for their community.

Youth to Leader Pathway at AS220

In this video, we see the pathway story of Anjel Newman, who went from being a young girl who stumbled upon AS220 Youth, to becoming their director of youth programs.

Using Data to Improve Out-of-School Digital Learning Programs

Leaders from innovative out-of-school learning organizations in the U.S. discuss the roles that data can play in youth-focused informal learning programs.

Professional Learning and Staff Capacity to Support Out-of-School Digital Learning Programs

Leaders from innovative out-of-school learning organizations in the United States share insights and tips on professional learning and staff capacity in the context of digital learning.


The Reclaiming Digital Futures toolkit is a curated cross-section of resources that relay best practices in youth-centered digital learning.

YOUmedia’s Out-of-School Digital Learning Software Guide

This tool, developed by Chicago Public Library, offers a range of software that out-of-school time educators can incorporate into digital learning programs.

Linking Youth to Local Creative, Arts, and Technology Scenes

Learn how youth organizations can leverage local creative, arts and technology scenes to connect youth to social and cultural experiences.

AS220 Youth

AS220 Youth is an after-school educational program and creative incubator located within AS220, a nonprofit arts organization and community in Providence, RI.

Professional Learning Supports for Flexible and Responsive Drop-in Programming at YOUmedia

Chicago Public Library provides flexible, ongoing ways for their educators to advance pedagogy around interest-driven digital learning.

Data Routines for Improving Digital Learning Programs

Data and routines around them can play a key role in improving youth digital learning programs, supporting students, and building capacity of educators.

Youth-led Advisory Boards to Promote Youth Leadership

This resource explores how organizations support youth to steer digital learning programs through the formation of youth advisory boards.


​How should organizations think about digital learning pedagogy? Use an approach infusing digital tools with a deep focus on positive youth development.

School Partnerships as On-Ramps to Informal Digital Learning

This resources explores how youth development organizations can form various types of partnerships with schools to on-ramp youth into digital learning.

Learning Productions - Adult/Youth Collaboration at Beam Center

Beam Center’s pedagogical approach of ‘Learning Productions’, based on adult/youth collaboration, embodies real-life creative projects.


​How should digital learning organizations think about skills? Consider blending technical skills with social and emotional learning and 21st century skills.


​Interested in learning more about digital learning? Feel free to get in touch with us.

Chicago Public Library

YOUmedia Chicago is an innovative, 21st century teen digital learning space, currently at nearly 20 Chicago Public Library locations.

West Michigan Center for Arts + Technology (WMCAT)

WMCAT leverages the arts and technology to create a culture of opportunity, elevate student voice, and advance community conversations.

Partner Organizations

The project’s partner organizations represent a diverse array of digital learning programs.


​How should digital learning programs think about technology? Intentionally integrate tools that support voice, creativity and meaningful participation.

Using a Collective Impact Approach to Support Youth Pathways in Technology

In this case example, we explore how a digital learning organization uses a collective impact approach to support youth pathways into technology careers.

Educator Capacity to Support Youth Pathways in Media & Technology

Supporting youth futures in media and tech means youth organizations can't just be purveyors of knowledge, but must also directly connect youth to opportunity.


​How should digital learning organizations think about capacity? Hire staff and engage in program improvement that supports your vision of digital learning.